QUEST wondered

can we uncover hidden pandemics?


  • Content Development

  • Web & Digital Experiences

  • Printed & Promotional Materials

  • Event Design & Production

The COVID-19 pandemic caused millions of Americans to defer care, leading to alarming increases in undiagnosed cancers, as well as untreated diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic conditions.

These “hidden pandemics” were especially prevalent in vulnerable and underserved populations, and Quest Diagnostics® recognized the urgent need to take immediate action to uncover the major drivers of the inequitable impact of COVID-19.

defining a “ground zero”

While health concerns were staggering for vulnerable populations across the nation, none were more endemic than in San Francisco, where Hispanic/Latinx had a nearly 3x higher rate of COVID-19 infections than white, non-Hispanic people.1,2

So, to help Quest lay the groundwork to create real change, San Francisco is where we began.

humanizing the impact

We brought together key speakers from local healthcare, leading housing and homeless advocates, and national leaders in population health to engage in a roundtable discussion with the people most impacted by poverty, access to care, food insecurity, and HIV, along with other socioeconomic issues.

These poignant conversations captured the human side of the pandemic and its lasting impact among low-income communities, communities of color, and other underserved communities.

driving change from coast to coast

Giving voice to those most affected by inequitable care sparked a conversation that resonated with many. Through multiple platforms, The Simon Group helped Quest share everything learned in San Francisco with other urban communities in the US to help mitigate the critical issue of health inequality.

spreading the word

1 week = thousands of shares, likes, and comments

spreading the word

1 week = thousands of shares, likes, and comments

let’s turn your wonder into impact.


  1. Fernandez E, Weiler N. Initial results of Mission District COVID-19 testing announced. Latinx community, men and economically vulnerable are at highest risk. University of California San Francisco. May 4, 2020. Accessed October 27, 2020.

  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). COVID-19 hospitalization and death by race/ethnicity. Updated August 18, 2020. Accessed October 23, 2020.